Abode of the Prince of Persia

  • Ancient Persian capital configured according to Stars.
  • Modern Islamic City design based on Cydonia, Mars.
  • Such Ley-Lines open Star Gates with such Geometry.

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | 
www.PostScripts.org ​
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com

‘But the Prince of Persia was withstanding me for 21 Days; then behold, Michael, one of the Chief Princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the Kings of Persia. Now I have come to give you an Understanding of what will happen to your People in the Latter Days, for the Vision pertains to the Days yet Future’. – Daniel 10:13-14

The purpose of this study is to present the Evidence that the City Layout of Tehran, Iran is set to the Cydonia, Mars Ley-Lines. The Mysterious Pyramid Complexes of Cydonia, Mars have perplexed Researchers, Scientists and Lay-People alike. Many believe that Mars at one Time had a thriving Advanced Civilization with an Atmosphere and Seas that sustained Life. Now what that ‘Life’ looked like or was or is still is up for Debate.

With the advancement of Technology and the sending of Mars Probes and Rovers, there has come to surface many Unexplained Anomalies that do suggest a Residual Destruction of that Civilization, its Oceans and Atmosphere. In particular, the Site named Cydonia, Mars has an array of Amazing Precise Mathematical Alignments and Ley-Lines that cannot be explained nor are Coincidences.

Furthermore, the Remnants of certain Geometric Structures strongly suggest that this Complex had Pyramids based on the Pleiades Pattern and enveloped in a Hexagram Layout. Pertaining to the Cydonia, Mars Anomalies, there are 3 Main Pyramid Structures that comprise the Martian Motif. There is the famous Face of Mars, the Giant Pentagon Fortress and the Pleiadian Pyramid City.

These 3 Structures triangulate each other and would make-up the core of a large Metropolitan City on Earth. What is astonishing is that such a Martian Motif is seen implemented in the Architecture of almost all the Ancient Civilizations Sites of Sacred Worship on Earth. This started, at least based on the Archeological Record after the Flood of Noah with Babylon and Sumer. It was the Sumerians that wrote about this Connection and astonishingly knew about such a ‘Face’ Structure or Temple that was a Mausoleum to the Fallen King of Nibiru on Mars.

The Sumerians attributed the Creation of Humans to the ‘Gods that came from the Stars’. Such recorded the accounts that were sensationalized by Zecheria Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles Books. The Theory states that the ‘Winged God’ from a Planet called Nibiru was losing its Atmosphere due to the effects of Global Warming because the Giant Dwarf that it was/is revolving around. Only Gold Particulates sprayed in the Atmosphere, as ‘Chem Trails’ could shield, protect them and repair their Atmosphere.

Martian Motifs
In a Political Plot due to Arguments or the Succession of the Throne, Ala-lu, who contested the Throne of Anu, fled with a Celestial Starship. This Starship had Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction, unawares to Ala-lu. He navigated through the Asteroid Belt and located Earth with a comparable Atmosphere to Nibiru. He discovered mass Gold Deposits and relayed the Message back to Nibiru. Long Story Short, he was granted Clemency and Rulership over Earth, the King.

A Weigh Station was set-up on Mars and other Points along the Solar System as the Gold mined from Earth was transported back to Nibiru. Later on, the Anunnaki, as they were called, had to deal with the Workers who mined the Gold. They rebelled due to Hard Working Conditions. The ‘Gods’ decided to create Humans through a Hybridization for the purpose of having the Humans mine the Gold, etc. Consider that the Sumerian knew before Telescopes were invented, the number of Planets in the Solar System and apparently, such is the Alternate ‘Genesis’ Account of Creation that parallels the Bible.

It is astonishing that, for example, there is Evidence that a huge Mining Operation existed in North America. Then numerous Artifacts have been found, such as Coins, Writings from Ancient Paleo-Hebrew to Egyptian Type of Hieroglyphs. Apparently, the World was more connected then. However, at some Point in Time, the Destruction of not only Mars but the Earth occurred. Some speculate that it was the Flyby of the 2nd Sun system, Nemesis that destroyed Atlantis, etc. How the Martian Motif is tied to the Earth Ley-Lines of Ancient Cities, Temples and Structures is that perhaps the Lost Knowledge and Connection of the Martian Civilization was conveyed to the few and Selected ‘Priestly’ Class on Earth that constitutes the Secret Societies of Today.

This Special Class of Humans are perhaps tasked at keeping the Legacy and Lifeline operational as even now, in the Modern Era, the same Cydonia, Mars Triangulation is incorporated into the Major Capitals of the World of which Tehran, Iran is another one of them. The Martian Motif that is basically encrypted and Hidden In-Plain-Sight, speaks to the Powers ‘Behind the Curtain’ of those that really are the Masters of the World.  Biblically Speaking, such are the Instruments and Pons of the ‘Fallen Ones’ or the Fallen Angels that are masquerading as the ‘Creator Gods' or ‘Ancient Alien’ Gods that ‘Seeded’ Humanity.

And they are about to come back as they promised to ‘Save’ Humanity from itself. It is rather interesting that these 3 Aspects of the Martian Triangulation incorporated the necessary Institutions of Power that will and do control the Masses. And what are those? There are the Military, the Financial and the Social-Political Aspects of how the Ley-Lines triangulate each other. This forms the ‘Star-Gate’. There is the Pleiadian Pyramid City. It is usually associated with the Financial Centers of Modern Cities that astonishingly will have 7 Major Towers or Skyscrapers. Each of the 7 Towers or structures corresponds to the 7 Stars of the Pleiades. Usually, the County’s Stock Exchanges are there. In the ancient world, such a pattern usually corresponded to a Royal Palace that ruled the Monetary and Social-Political Affairs.

Of Principalities and Powers

In the Medieval Period, such a Cydonia Pattern corresponded to Churches or Temples of Worship. In the case of Tehran, the Pleiades Pattern corresponds to the Old Financial Center. The various Points of the Star correlations correspond to Traffic Circles for the most part. It is rather interesting that this Sector of the City is where the Embassies of the major Superpowers are situated, Russia, England, Germany, etc. Out of all the Circular Round-Abouts, there was one 1 Building that corresponded to the Maia Star of the Pleiades.

This was the famous Palasco Building. It was built in the 1960 and was the tallest Building in Tehran at that Time. On January 19, 2017 it burnt down to the ground. What was rather peculiar about the unfortunate incident, was that as the Building collapsed, 30 Iranian Firefighters perished. If one views the Event, which was videoed from different angles, it appears that the building was demolished much like the World Trade Center Towers were. Some have pointed out that it was odd, that January 19 or 1-19 is a 9-11 backwards. One just sees the same ‘Blueprint’ of taking a Building down.

Now for what Purpose or Date or Ritual that was for? That remains a Mystery and to Some, a Conspiracy still.  Then, the Giant Pentagon Fortress of the Martian Motif corresponds to the Velayat Park in the southern section of Tehran. From a Top View, the ‘Pentagon’ Geometric Shape might not seem that precise. But if one is keen to pick-up on the Ley-Lines, there are 5 Sides. There is also an ‘X’ that is designed in the Open-Air Area that astonishingly approximates the angles of the Pentagon Geometry. In most other cases, this area in Ancient Times corresponded to a Military Fortress of some time.

In the Modern Era, this Martian Motif has been replaced by Hippodromes, especially in South America or other Geometric Structures or configurations woven into the Street Ley-Lines. In Tehran, the Center Point is toward the North as the triangulated Cydonia, Mars Pattern is approximately rotated horizontally 180 Degrees. Amazingly, this is the same Depiction as that of Santiago, Chile that faces North, just as it is on Mars. The 3rd Component of the Cydonia Martian Motif Triangulation is that of the famous Face of Mars or that of Ala-lu. In reference to the Sumerian Account of Creation. Due to continued strife among the ‘Gods’, the Son of Anu, Enlil and Enki back in Nibiru were sent to Earth to be Co-Rulers. This was Enlil who is ascribed to have been like the ‘Jesus’ Figure.

The Political Situation got to the Point that Enki, as some would call him Ala-lu was banished to Mars where he was said to have died and a Mausoleum was erected in his Honor to look like his Face.  Many have come to correlate this ‘God’ of Mars to All-ah or the Moon God of the Muslims. Others have traced the Entomology of the various Terms back to Lucifer. In Modern Times, this Martian Face has usually been encrypted by giant Sports Stadiums. The overwhelming Evidence of such a Martian Face, that is found in nearly every Modern Capital of the World begs an Explanation. This study suggests that the continued ‘Priestly’ Class within the World’s various Secret Societies, for example, will never divulge their True Identity because it is Nefarious and Luciferian.

Modern-Day Contention

The Bible clearly teaches that in fact, Fallen Angels did once inhabit the Earth and Lucifer was King over them. They still are. Humans are not the only Beings sharing the Planet, etc. In Genesis 6, the Account of a Subsequent Time arose where some of the Watchers or Fallen Angels fell and took Human Women. The result of their illicit Sexual Unions, Hybridized Humanity. What resulted was the Race of Evil Giants that were of the ‘Mighty Men of Old’ and Mythology. The Bible teaches, as well as the Book of Enoch, that such Entities will cross over Dimensions and re-introduce themselves to the World as the long awaited ‘Savior’ Aliens from other planets or Stars.

In fact, they are not Inter-Planetary but Inter-Dimensional Being. These are the Fallen Angels in league with the Rebel King, Lucifer, who is currently the ‘God of this World’. He is set to use Humanity against itself by way of a False Promise of Immortality and becoming ‘Gods’ to thwart the coming of the True King, Jesus Christ. Thus the Luciferian Ley-Lines of Tehran, Iran are just another Signature of the Fallen Ones that have marked their Territory in honor of Ala-lu or Allah.

What more appropriate place than to have such a Spiritual Stronghold, than Tehran, as it is the Seat of the very Prince of Persia, the Fallen Angel that is over this Capital City, Nation and Empire. It was this Persian Prince that battled against the Arch-Angel Gabriel when attempted to deliver a Reply to the Prophet Daniel’s Prayer in Susa, Iran, etc. The Bible teaches that 1 Day, the King of the Titans, Apollyon will be let loose on Earth from the opening of the Bottomless Pit and no doubt, the Prince of Persia will be there ready to battle the Arch-Angel Michael and his Holy Angels. The Biblical and Ancient Mythos helps to explain the Modern-Day Contention that Iran has with Israel.

Chart 1: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AvJEVlv5W43x814xON_LOUBjwSNI?e=leduWU

Chart 2: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AvJEVlv5W43x813Hi6Hr1Lfp-wie?e=K2ajeP 

Main Sources


Possessing the Portals
This book will show how such Martian Motif triangulations served and serve as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on one level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ in another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This book suggests that the triangulations were points of contention as a euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the world in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this book is to present a case for ‘unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical point of view. The book will incorporate a comprehensive array of Astro-Archeological studies compiled using motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s sacred sites, past, present and future. This study will hopefully help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks about will be in part, the ‘return of the Martian Saviors’.

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Star Markers of a Prior Prophetic Time
The purpose of this book is to ascertain the cosmic motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the pyramid designs of the ancient sacred sites on Earth, past, present and future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going cosmic conspiracy regarding what is the true narrative of the interpretation of such sacred designs that are aligned to the stars. The study will involve a large degree of Astro-Archeology pertaining to the coming of the celestial Gate Keepers and Guardians of the Galaxy.

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​A website dedicated to the study of Biblical Eschatology.

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