'Jesus answered him, I have spoken openly to the World. I have always taught in Synagogues and in the Temple,where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in Secret.' -John 18:20 

The following are free items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various resources related to the nefarious undertakings of the Luciferian Secret Societies in their 'Great Work' to bring in the last World Order under the kingship of Lucifer, their Master and God. My research into this False Religion of Lucifer and their coming last Prophetic Luciferian World Empire has produced over 30 charts, 20 essays, 15 posters and several Books.

The Books encapsulate my findings of the Biblical correlation of the King of Babylon's epic dream that was interpreted by the Prophet Daniel. Many believe that the world is being primed for chaos to destabilize Nations by  'Divide and Conquer' tactics. The following are Free Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a topic. Maledictus soit qui mal y pense.

The purpose of the Codes is to give people an alternative format that summarizes certain Biblical concepts and/or ideas related to the coming Ezekiel's Prophecy of Armageddon. The 33 Codes are meant for an in-dept study. The original dimensions are of a 11x17 inch, USA standard paper measure. Click on the icon to download the free Code PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.


Last Luciferian Beast Empire
This book examines the case for the countdown to the coming apocalyptic New World Order that will be tied to Daniel’s 7-Year Sabbatical Cycle of the Terminal Generation based on sacred knowledge, past, present and future. Evidence presented will examine astronomical Heavenly Signs, Biblical types and parallels to suggest when the advent of the coming Luciferian AntiChrist and his Empire are soon to be debuted. The 'Image of the Beast' as foretold that will cause the coming 3rd Temple to have an Abomination that causes Desolation.


-Download PDF version w/Donation of $10 USD.

The purpose of the Codes is to give people an alternative format that summarizes certain Biblical concepts and/or ideas related to the coming Ezekiel's Prophecy of Armageddon. The 33 Codes are meant for an in-dept study. The original dimensions are of a 11x17 inch, USA standard paper measure. Click on the icon to download the free Code PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.

The purpose of the Charts is to give people a pictorial format that summarizes  the various geo-political and prophetic pattern observed throughout the current World Order. The charts are meant for a poster size printouts. The original dimensions are of a 11x17 inch, USA standard paper measure. Click on the icon to download the free Chart PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.