The purpose of the Posters is to give an artistic format that summarizes  the various geo-political and prophetic pattern observed throughout the Middle East pertaining to the possible dimensions of were the Garden of Eden was. The charts are meant for a poster size printouts. Click on the icon to download the free Chart PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.

Then Elohim said, Let Us make Mankind in Our Image, in our Likeness, so that they may rule over the Fish in the Sea and the Birds in the Sky, over the Livestock and all the Wild Animals, and over all the Creatures that move along the Ground. So Elohim created Mankind in His own Image, in the Image of Elohim He created them; Male and Female He created them.’  -Genesis 1:26-27

The following are free items that are available for downloads to the General Public regarding various Resources related to the Geo-Political and Prophetic Patterns studied concerning the possible location and implications of where the Garden of Eden was and will be again. My research into 'Paradise' has produced over 20 charts, 10 essays and a Book.

The Book encapsulate my findings of the Biblical correlation of what was the purpose for 'Paradise' or the Garden of Eden. Many Bible researchers believe that Eden was a testing ground of sorts or a probationary set-up to allow the Human Race to willfully chose which side they would follow, Light or Darkness, Good or Evil. The following are Free Resources made available for one's Examination, Study and Discernment into such a topic.

The purpose of the Charts is to give a pictorial format that summarizes  the various geo-political and prophetic pattern observed throughout the Middle East pertaining to the possible dimensions of were the Garden of Eden was. The charts are meant for a poster size printouts. The original dimensions are of a 11x17 inches. Click on the icon to download the free Chart PDFs from the online public OneDrive files.



Battle for Humanity's Soul
The purpose of this book is to investigate and ascertain the possible geographical location of the Garden of Eden. The presumption is that certain locations in the Middle East as in temples, ziggurats, pyramids and cities both ancient and modern have been built perhaps on the very ley-lines of the dimensions of Paradise itself. This study assumes that 'Paradise' had existed geographically, if the Bible account of the Genesis is to be taken literally. Only certain aspects relevant to the theory of its geography will be considered and discussed in a conceptual way.

-Purchase a hardcopy of book with Lulu Books.
-Download a PDF version w/Donation of $10 USD.