Alpha-Numerical Order of Charts

File 83   3 Great American Solar Eclipses 2017-2024
File 83   3 Pentecost Feasts of Summer
File 11   3rd Temple - Dome of the Tablets
File 53   3rd Temple - Layout
File 72   3rd Temple - Outline
File 54   3rd Temple - Series Tablets
File 72   3rd Temple - Where is it going to be built?
File 53   4th Temple - Ezekiel's
File 59   7 Churches of Asia Template

File 84   7 Nineveh's of the 3rd Great American Eclipse
File 41  9-11 Birthday of Jesus Alignments
File 80  11-11-11 Dragon Door Opened
File 52  13th King of Israel - Prime Minister Patterns
File 69   30-Day Countdown to Pentecost - Rapture?
File 38  70 Year Old Fig Tree -  Countdown to 3rd Temple
File 77  70 Year Old Fig Tree - Sabbath Cycles
File 67  72nd Generation
File 5    188 - Earthquake Pattern
File 1    322 - Skull and Bones Unveiling
​File 80   666 - Satanic Signatures
​Filel 76  888 - Independence of Israel
File 63  1260 Day Prophetic Shelf Life
File 83  2032 Year of Jesus' Return?
File 48  3022 Great Pyramid End of Time

File 3     Abomination of Desolations Patterns
​File 68   Abraham House - Temple Mount
​File 77   Aceribo Message
File 61   Age of Aquarius - Deep Space Signals
File 33   Age of the Gentiles - 153 Fish Pattern
File 34   Age of the Gentiles - Menorah Pattern
File 1     Age - New 5th Age to Come
File 51   Alaska - Nuclear Detonation on Anchorage
File 21   Alignments - 2016 Astronomical Events
File 21   Aldebaran - Occultations with the Moon
File 11   Alphabet - Greek
File 11   Alefbet - Hebrew
File 78  Alignment - Planet Parade June 2, 2024
File 10   Altar - Blood Moon Crucifixion
File 55   Altar of Sacrifice
File 64   Altars of Abraham

File 33   American Eclipse - Division of the Land
File 37   American Eclipse, Great - Divided States
File 83   Anna 84-Year Code
File 1     Annular - Phoenix Solar Eclipse
File 29   Antarctica - The Pyramids of
File 34   Antarctica - Great Pyramid Pattern
File 67   AntiChrist - Birth of a Star in Cygnus
File 70   AntiChrist - Jupiter Saturn Grand Conjunction
File 52   AntiChrist - Throne Chair Ark of the Covenant
File 11   AntiChrist - Year of Isaiah 14 Code Matrix
File 16   Apocalypse - Fulcrum of Converging Prophecy
File 77   Apostasy in the USA
File 80   Apophis - Is it Wormwood?
File 61   Aquarius Age - Grand Conjunction
File 63   Aquarius Pouring - 4 Horsemen of Apocalypse
File 17   Area 51 - Luciferian Signatures
File 56   Ark of the Covenant - Dimensions
File 52   Ark of the Covenant - Chair
​File 83   Ark of the Covenant - Temple Mount
File 1     Arks - The Ark types 1, 2
File 46   Arks 2 - The Seasons of Noah
File 50   A.I. - Artificial Intelligence Ghost in the Machine
File 52   Armageddon, Battle of - Petra Orion Pattern

​File 50   Astronomy, Ancient - The Forgotten Mythos
File 8     Astronomical Jubilee - Jupiter
File 11   Astronomical Rapture - End of Church Age
File 2     Atlantis - Rise of the Beast and 5th Age
File 70   Atlas Comet - C/2019 Y4 Creation Comet
File 69   Atlas Comet - Jerusalem
File 10   Av - Destruction of the Temples
File 86  Azovmena Prophecy - EU Nuclear Detonations
File 86  Azovmena Prophecy - US Nuclear Detonations 
File 1     Aztecas - Masons of Montezuma

File 1    Babylon - Star Gate
File 64  Babylon - United States
File 14  Baphomet - Aryan Principalities and Powers
​File 76  Bear - Sign of Ursa Major
​File 74  Beast U.N. Guardian

File 76  Beltane Christ Star
​File 76  Betelgeuse Eclipse
File 33  Bethlehem Virgo Alignments
​File 79  Biden - Satanic Speech
File 32  Birth of Jesus - Virgo Sign of the Magi

File 42  Black Horse of La Palma
File 28  Black Star - David Bowie's Song
File 1    Blood Moons - 2nd Eclipse Birthing of AntiChrist
File 49  Blood Moons - Central Bull's Eye
File 2    Blood Moons - Central Timeframe 2011-2018
File 4    Blood Moons - Dissection of a Lunar Tetrad
File 3    Blood Moons - Easter 1st Blood Moon
File 5    Blood Moons - Eclipse Patterns since 1967
File 3    Blood Moons - Fibonacci  Patterns
File 5    Blood Moons - Missing Feast in the Tetrad
File 72  Blood Moons - Scorpio
File 2    Blood Moons - Tetrad Pattern since 1948
File 2    Blood Moons - Tetrad of 2014-15
File 38  Blood Moons - Triad of 2018 - 70th Year Blood Moon
File 14  Blue Moon - Countdown to Tetrad
​File 44  Blue Moon - Tetrad to Rapture Harvest?
File 2    Bookends - Eclipse Pattern from 2013-2023
File 12  Building of the Bride - Great Pyramid timeline
​file 76   Burj Khalifa - Tower of Babel

File 2    Calendar - Dragons of Atlantis Rising
​File 85  Calendat - Enoch

File 84  Calendar - Essenes Onahs
File 71  Calendar - Equinox

File 71  Calendar - Recalibrations
File 31  Calvary's Cross - The 'Holy of Holies Tomb
File 41  Capricorn - Coming Slaughter

File 9    Capstone - Pyramid Patterns of the Holy Land
​File 41  Carbon - 666 Element

File 2    Cardinal - Cross Configuration, Argo
File 2    Central Blood Moon - Bull's Eye 7-Year Eclipses
File 49  Central Blood Moon - Bull's Eye 7-Year Eclipses
File 12  CERN - Sacrificial Rite Attempts to open up the Pit
File 57  Cerne Abbas - Giant Geoglyph
File 2    Chakras - Earth Energy Points
File 22  Chan Chan - Orion Star Map
File 3    Chrislam - Religion of AntiChrist
File 48  Christchurch - Martian Ley Lines
​File 42  Christ Star - 2024
File 31  Christ Star - Appearance and Return
File 28  Christ Stars - Jupiter and Venus Conjunctions
File 17  Christmas - Full Moon Patterns
File 49  Christmas - The 1st Astronomically
File 81  Church Age - Ends Study
File 31  Church Age - Metamorphosis
File 19  Churches - 7 of Asia Pleiades Star Map
File 25  Churches - 7 of Asia Orion & Taurus Motif
File 60  City for the Bride - The New Jerusalem Template
File 2    City - Teotihuacan  Celestial layout
File 33  City of Fallen Angels - LA
File 60  Circumference of Christ - Topography of Revelations
File 27  Circuit - Dragon Orbit of Planet X
File 10  Clocks - Astronomical  Patterns
File 63  Coin Act of 1792 - Masonic Pyramid Countdown
File 10  Collision - Siding Spring Comet
File 83  Columbia Star Map

File 77  Columbian Pyramid
File 85 Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks
File 41  Comet 354P Linier - Hexagram Star of David

File 66  Comet C/2020 F3 Rapture Comet?
File 86  Comet C/2023 A3 Star of Jacob

​File 80  Comet C/2022 E3 Coronation of the Dragon-King
​File 42  Comet C/2023-P1 'Birthday Comet' 9-11

File 2    Comets - Divine Harbingers of Warnings
File 11  Commission - Church Pentecostal Intermission
File 12  Convergence - World Wars
File 29  Coordinates - Cosmos

File 86  Corona Borealis - Nova T CrB 
File 2    Covenant - Oslo Roadmap to Peace
​File 58   COVID-19 Web
FILE 10 Creation Code - The Alef and the Tav
FILE 70 Creation Comet - Atlas C/2019 Y4
File 10  Crescent - Christian Holocaust
File 2    Crops - Alien Deceptions
File 77  Crop Circle Deceptions
File 24  Cross - Cosmic - Alignment
File 46  Cross - Cosmic - Crucifixion
File 82  Cross - Cosmos
File 82  Cross - Passover

File 55  Crowns of Glory
​File  51 Crucifixion - Astronomy

File 28  Crucifixion - Cosmic
​File 82  Crucifixion - Crossroads
​File 82  Crucifixion - Night Sky 32 AD
File 82  Crucifixion - Passion Week

File 3    Crusades - Islamic Extremism
File 37  Cyrus Prophecy - Royal Decree of 3rd Temple
​FIle 82  Cydonia, Mars

File 51  Damas - Isaiah 17 Burden
File 51  David and Goliath -  Confrontations of the Christs
File 9    Decade - Mathematical Pattern
File 15  Decree - Royal to Messiah Passion Week
File 33  Deposits - of the 2 Spirits
File 3    Desolations - Temple’s Destruction Pattern
File 51  Detonations of Nukes - Alaska
File 51  Detonations of Nukes - Damascus
File 51  Detonations of Nukes - Hawaii
File 27  Detonations of Nukes - Iran
File 36  Detonations of Nukes - Israel
​File 80  Detonations of Nukes - Ukraine

File 34-35 Detonation of Nukes - Illustrated Scenarios
File 30  Dimensions of Eden -  Cosmic Gates

File 23  Dismantling of the USA
File 29  Domes - of the Temple Mount
File 25  Double Cross - Celestial Pattern
File 3    Dragon - Google Cover ups Rev 12 Sign

File 66   Eclipse - Annular June 10, 2021
File 73   Eclipse - Solar AntiChrist Debut
File 80 - Eclipse - Solar_OCT-25-2022

File 82 - Eclipse - Corpus Christi Rapture
File 33   Eclipse - Cross and Planetary Alignments

File 42   Eclipse - Great American 3rd April 8, 2024
File 33   Eclipse - Great American Divide
​File 15   Eclipse - Isis over America

File 84   Eclipses - 2024
File 84   Eclipses - Ninevah's 
File 5     Eclipses - Patterns from 2008-2019
File 34   Eclipses - Patterns from 2008-2026
​File 82   Eclipses - Patterns from 2023-2033
File 85   Eclipses - Patterns from 2023-2033
File 73   Eclipse - Pleiades Moon

File 86  Economic Collapse - Phi Ratio Patterns
File 12   Eden - Gates to Paradise
File 64   Edrei Cydonia Lines
File 5     Egypt - Spirit of Isis
File 38   Elul Prophetic Pattern
File 53   Embassy - Jerusalem Celebrations
File 10   Empire -  Image of the Beast
File 65   Enoch Calendar
File 85   Enoch Calendar
File 31   Ephesus - Orion Cosmic Temples
File 3     Equinox - March 20 2015 Solar Eclipse
File 11   Equinox - Eclipse Patterns
File 84   Essene Calendar
File 3     Euphrates -  Stargate Portal Pattern
File 3     Eye - Lucifer’s Cosmic Trademark
Filel 52  Ezekiel 38 War - Gog-Magog Invasion of Israel

File 81  Fig Tree - Unfruitful 5 Years
File 52  Fig Tree - Israel at 70 Years
File 77  Fig Tree - Sabbath Cycles
File 24  Finonacci Solaris - Blood Moon Tetrad Pattern
File 3    Flares - Solar Patterns
File 46  Flood of Noah - The Countdown to Judgment
File 16  Frontlines - Ley Lines of the coming Nuclear War

File 17  Gates of Heaven - Golden and Silver Gates
File 27  Gates of Hell - Sanctuary of Pan
File 25  Gateways - Ba'al and Spirit of Jeze'bel
File 3    Gaza - Operation Pillar of Cloud
File 22  Generation, The Last - Temple Countdown
File 10  Gentiles - Time of the Pentecostal Period
File 30  Gestation - of the Christs
File 27  Giza -  Orion Star Fortresses 
​File 85  Giza - Leo Clock
File 25  Giza - Pyramid Clock
File 3    Gog - Ukrainian Operation
File 52  Gog-Magog War - Ezekiel 38
File 33  Golgotha - Crucifixion of Jesus
File 51  Goliath - The Confrontation

File 44  Gospel of Globalists
File 17  Gospels - 4 Cosmic Redemption
File 65  Granada Cydonia Lines
File 70  Grand Conjunction - Jupiter Saturn
File 51  Guardians of Zion's Gates - Temple Man

File 7    Gulf - Countdown to Armageddon

File 16  HAARP - Weather Modification
File 72  Hampton Court - Countdown Doomsday Pyramid
File 80  Hand of GOD - James Webb Image
File 22  Hanukah Comet - Persecution of Church

File 58  Harvest Equinox - Fall Feasts
File 70  Hatshepsut - Antropormorphic Temples
File 51  Hawaii - Nuclear Detonation Honolulu
File 73  Heliofant - Timeline
File 30  Herboculous - Mini Solar System
File 65  Hermon Mount of 200 Watchers
File 41  Hexagram - Star of David
File 9    Hexagram - Star of Jacob
File 4    Holies - Temple Mount Patterns
File 4    Hurricane - GOD’s judgment
File 7    Hybrid - Comet ISON and Eclipse
​File 64  Hybrid - Eclipses 2013-2023
File 4    Hybrids - End of the Church Age

File 31   IDF - Christ at Western Wall
File 10   Image - of the Beast Statue
File 68   Incarnation of King - Birth of Jesus
File 69   Independence Day Eclipse
File 51   Isaiah 17 - Burden of Damascus
File 15   ISIS - Over America Eclipse
File 4     Islam - Rise of Extremism
​File 17   Israel - Great Pyramid Pattern
File 5     Israel - Nuclear Arsenal
File 36   Israel - Nuclear Detonations
File 4     Israel - National Demographics
File 62   Israel - Shemitahs 1952

File 4     Jacob - Time of Troubles Cosmic
File 54   Jerusalem - Anthropormorphic Man
File 54   Jerusalem - Ark of the Covenant Temple
File 4     Jerusalem - Cosmic Patterns
File 70   Jerusalem - Domes Giza Orion
File 79   Jerusalem - Domes Great Pyramid Pattern
File 54   Jerusalem - Dome of Stars Pattern
​File 49   Jerusalem - Embassy Act of 1995
File 27   Jerusalem - Jubilees of ben Samuel Prophecy

File 71   Jerusalem - Legions
File 54   Jerusalem - Orion Star Clock for Gates
​File 45   Jerusalem - Pleiades Gates
File 54   Jerusalem - Rectangle
File 54   Jerusalem - Temple Mount Cydonia Star Map
File 56   Jesuit Oath - The Society of Jesus
File 68   Jordan Valley -  Annexation
File 4,5  JFK - Occultic Assassination Patterns
File 8     Jubilee - Astronomical
File 18   Jubilee - Menorah Grafting
File 47   Jubilees - Isaiah 61
File 4     Jubilees - Pattern since Temple Mount 1967
File 26   Jubilees - Jerusalem, the Ben Samuel Prophecy
File 11   Jubilees - 120 Pattern of Time
File 48   Jubilees - Ages and End of Time 3022?
File 12   Jubilees - Tetrads of Time
File 12   Jubilees - War to Come
File 8     Jupiter - Astronomical Jubilee

File 86   Jupiter - Mars Conjunction Av 9 2024
File 36   Jupiter - Retrogrades since crucifixion

File 4    Kippur - Prophetic Pattern of Temple
File 4    Knight - The Birthing of a Titan Murder
File 67  Knowing, The - Pentecostal Code
File 4    Koreas - The Kings of the East

File 86  Land Grant - Israel Covenant
File 80  Laodicea Orion Star Map
File 45  Las Vegas - Mass Murder False Flag
​File 85  Leo - Calendar
File 85  Leo - Gates of Heaven
File 85  Leo - Giza Key

File 84  Leo - New Year Astronomically
File 63  Leo Super Flair - Rapture Roar?
File 62  Leptis Magna - Martian Lines
File 56  Letter - King of Babylon's Proclamation
File 8    Leylines - Occultic Patterns of London
File 9    Lifespan - Cosmic Pattern of Christ
File 49  Light, The Speed of Encoded in Stone

File 4    Lion - Celestial Stargate Portals - Venus
File 38  Lion of Judah - Constellation Leo
​File 41  Lion's Gate - Birth of Venus
File 57  Long Man of Wilmington - Geoglyph

File 81  Machu Picchu Orion Star Map
File 9    Magi - Cosmology of Christ’s Birth
File 33  Man Child - Gestation of Jupiter
File 20  Manhattan Orion Star Map
File 4    Manna - The Unfinished Passover
File 5    Markets - Shemitah Economic Reset
File 75  Mars - At Golden Gate
File 48  Mars - Pleiades Conjunction 1260th day
File 35  Mason Man - Sexual Motifs of the District
File 34  Masonic Man - Luciferian Counterfeits
File 4    Masonics - Synagogues of Satan
File 17  Mass Murder Trends - 1981 to 2015
​File 81  Matthew 24 Signs
File 5    Mazzaroth - Witness of the Stars
File 56  Measure of Christ - Planetary Patterns
File 72  Menorah Meanings
File 5    Menorah - Pentecostal Church Age
File 45  Mercury - Virgo Birth Revelation 12
File 21  Mercy Seat - Cosmic Throne of Cepheus
File 31  Metamorphosis of Church Age
File 52  Millennial Kingdom - Great Pyramid
File 10  Ministry of Jesus

File 32  Ministry of Jesus - Timeline
File 33  Moon - Cover-ups

File 57  Nazca Lines - Geoglyphs
File 27  Nemesis - Sumerian Solar System
File 60  New Jerusalem - City of the Bride
File 78  New Wine - Pentecost Rapture
File 79  Nineveh Orion Stap Map
​File 41  Noah 7-Days 
File 73  Noah - Seasons
File 5    Nibiru - The 2nd Sun Trajectory
File 5    Nukes - Israeli Military Arsenals
File 34-35 Nuclear Detonations - Models
File 51  Nuclear Detonations - Alaska
File 51  Nuclear Detonations - Hawaii
File 36  Nuclear Detonations - Israel
File 14  Nuclear Frontlines - Ley Lines of WW3

File 61  Obama - Beam Signature
File 61  Obama - Donations
File 5    Observatory - Greenwich Occult Patterns
File 5    Olivet - The Prophetic Keys of Restoration
File 2    Oslo Accords - The Covenant with the Many
File 5    Omen - Come ISON’s Trajectory
File 74  Omicron 'Variant' 
File 43  Ophiuchus - The Star Wars of the Seeds
File 10  Orbits - Cosmic Pattern of the Planets
File 5    Orion - Celestial Gate Pattern
​File 77  Orion - Circle  Attack of Israel
File 81  Orion - Currency Bank Failures
File 83  Orion - Jerusalem Star Map

File 5    Orion - Patterns of Jerusalem
File 19  Orion - Temple Mount Patterns

File 5    Palestine - Oslo Accord Countdown
File 32  Palestinian Covenant - The Land Grant
File 6    Paradise - The Dimensions
File 18  Paris Ley Lines - Islamic Terrorism
File 6    Passover - The Aquarian Hidden Code
File 9    Pattern - Great Pyramid Pattern
File 34  Pentagrams - Columbia
File 34  Pentagrams - Throne of Lucifer
​File 82  Pentecost - 120
File 84  Pentecost - 120 Day Rapture Timeline
File 55  Pentecost - 2019 Astronomically
File 62  Pentecost - Double Count
File 83  Pentecost - Double Count
File 47  Pentecost - Grafting of Gentiles
File 84  Pentecost - Lion of Judah LORD of Harvest
File 86  Pentecost - New Wine Calendar Months

File 86  Pentecost - New Wine Infinity Theory
File 84  Pentecost - Why it is in the 4th Month
File 67  Pentecostal Code - The Knowing
File 53  Pentecostal Restorations of Israel Pattern
File 12  Pierced One - And the Return of the Prophets
File 70  Pillars of the Sacred Space
File 12  Piscean Code of the Rapture
File 38  Planet X - Signet of the Sign
​File 78  Planet X - When Worlds Collide
File 86  Planetary Parade - June 3, 2024
File 77  Planetary Parade - Rapture Solstice
​File 77  Planetary Parade - WHO Global Order
File 73  Pleiades-Moon Eclipse
File 76  Pleiades-Mercury Conjunction
File 6    Pleiadian Eclipse - Phoenix Effect

File 41  Poklonnaya War Memorial
File 66  Population - 1 Hectare World
File 70. Population of World - 7,777,777,777
File 45  Poverty Point - Solar Station Clock
File 5    Presidents - Electoral Patterns
File 52  Prime Minister Patterns - 13th King of Israel
File 6    Prince - The Israel Iran Conflict
File 5    Prophetic - Pentecost Liberation
File 15  Protocols of the Elders of Zion
File 51  Pslam 83 War - Inner Ring of Paramilitary Fronts
File 81  Putin's Speech - Comet C/2022 E3
File 6    Pyramids - Occult Patterns of Jerusalem

File   6   Quakes - Stock Market Patterns Age of AntiChrist

File 15   Rape, of America - The Slave Market Auction
File 78   Rapture - 30 Reasons
File 78   Rapture - Asteroids in Leo
File 77   Rapture - Gestation
File 74   Rapture - In 2022?
File 78   Rapture - New Wine
File 73   Rapture - Pegasus Astronomical
File 26   Rapture - Reflections of Tribulation Period
​File 77   Rapture - Solstice Planetary Parade
​File 58   Rapture - Stong's

File 70   Rapture - Zone
File 36   Raptures of Revelation
File 55   Red Heifer - Window of Time 2022
File 55   Red Heifer - Timeline
File 55   Red Heifer - 10th Since Moses
​File 43   Red Sea Moment - Rapture Type?
File 5     Reich - Rise of the New World Order
File 10   Release - The Astronomical Jubilee
File 19   Religions of the Sons of Noah
File 15   Republic - The Fall of America
File 6     Retrograde - The God of War Patterns
File 6     Retrogrades - Mars Patterns to Israel
File 67   Revelation 12 - Composite and Open Door
File 42   Revelation 12 - Crown
File 32   Revelation 12 - Red Dragon Coverup
File 83   Revelation 12 - Rho Ophiuchi Nursery
File 42   Revelation 12 - Rosh HaShanah 2023
File 81   Revelation 12 - Timeline 2025-2032

File 84   Revelation 12 - U.S. Debt Clock
File 56   Revelation 12 - Wedding Ring Eclipse OCT 14 2023
File 53   Revelation - Alef Bet Pattern
File 16   Revelation, Book of - Outline Study
File 59   River of Life - Orion Patterns of Jesus
File 55   Romans 9-11 Restoration of Israel
File 11   Rose of Sharon Code - The Beginning and the End
File 68   Rose of Sharon Code - Alef and Tav
File 7     Royals - Occultic Celestial Patterns

File 71  Sabbatical Cycles - Daniel's 70th Week
File 81  Sagitta - Arrow of YHVH Ides of March

File 55  Sanhedrin
File 23  Santiago - Martian Motifs
File 21  Sanzchacun Chinese Pyramids - Orion Star Map
File 26  Satan, Summer of - Venus and Sun Conjunction
File 68  Sayil - Cydonia Leylines
File 7    Scales - The Demise of America
File 56  Scottish Rite Masonic Center - Temples to Lucifer
File 15  Seals of the USA
File 7    Serpents - Occultic Jerusalem Ley Lines
File 69  Shavuot Harvest - Mid Summer Rapture
​File 79  Shemitah - 32-39 AD Overlap

File 44  Shemitah - 5782 Last
​File 79  Shemitah - 911 Countdown
​File 79  Shemitah - Church Body

File 62  Shemitah - Israel 1952
File 65  Shemitah - Last Tribulation Parallels
File 14  Shemitah - Pattern The 7th and 32nd
File 78  Shemitah - Super of Israel

File 43  Shi'ite Triangle - Abraham Accord
​File 52  Shiloh Tabernacle - 1948 Code
File 17  Shootings - Mass
File 32  Shroud of Turin
File 6    Sign - Revelation 12 Heavenly Sign
File 8    Signs - 7 Celestial Harbingers
File 13  Sinai - Blueprint of GOD’s Glory
​File 80  Sinai - COP27

File 75  Sinai - Pentecost Countdown
File 86  Sinai - Pentecost Day Count

File 21  Skulls - Serpent Across America
File 47  Sphinx - Hidden Chambers of Leo
File 41  Star of David - Hexagram Comet 354P Linier

File 8    Star of David - Cosmic Countdown
File 41  Star of David - Hexagrams

File 86  Star of Jacob - Comet C/2023 A3 
File 22  Stars, The 10 Brightest in the Universe
File 21  Stargates of Jerusalem
File 64  Statue - United States of Babylon
File 21  Strike, Nuclear - Lunar Cycle Wars
File 7    Stones - Georgia Guidestones
File 25  Stonehenge - Taurus to Teotihuacan
File 25  Stonehenge - Pleiadian 'Key' Stargate
​File 42  Sukkot Tabernacle - October 25, 2021
File 42  Suleiman the Magnificent - Decrees of the Solomons
File 27  Summer of Satan
File 69  Summer Solstice - Solar Eclipse
File 11  Super Moons -  Synchronization of Prophetic Time
File 70  SWAN Comet
File 70  SWAN Comet - Wheat Wedding
File 47  Swastikas - Native American Communication Patterns
File 7    Symbols - Masonic Occultic Patterns

File 6    Tail - Comet ISON
File 68  Telescope - James Webb
File 78  Telescope - Carina Ridge
​File 78  Telescope - James Webb SMACS 0723
File 34  Temple - 3rd, Countdown to
File 11   Temple - 3rd, Dome of the Tablets

File 76   Temple - Ark of Covenant
File 55   Temple - Coins

File 76   Temple-Pleiades-Ley-Lines
​File 82   Temple - Sabbath Journey
File 76   Temple - Sabbath Journey
File 55   Temple - Man Pattern
​File 76   Temple - Orion Jerusalem Stars
File 20   Temple Mount - 5776 Dimensions

File 75   Temple Mount - Cydonia Houses
File 68   Temple Mount - Abraham Houses
File 48   Temple Mount - Great Pyramid Pattern
​File 81   Temple Mount - Earth Moon Pattern

File 72  Temple Mount - Outlines
File 39  Temple Mount - Persepolis Pattern
File 20  Temple Mount - Pleiades Star Map
File 72  Temple Mount - Riots
​File 78  Temple - Typologies
File 54  Temples - Timeline
File 10  Temple's Timeframe - 70 Year Pattern
File 28  Temple's Timeframe - 9th of Av
File 8    Temples - Temples at the Center of Phi
File 69  Tesseract of Time
File 82  Tetrad - 32 AD
File 8    Tetrad - 1st Blood Moon Zenith
File 1    Tetrad - 2nd Blood Moon Birthing
File 8    Tetrad - 3rd Blood Moon Christchurch
File 8    Tetrad - 4th Blood Moon Super
File 79  Tetrad - Aviv

File 13  Tetrad - Countdown to the Last Harvest
File 74  Tetrad - Eclipses
File 73  Tetrad - Faux of 2021-22
​File 74  Tetrad - Millennium
File 7    Tetrad - Patterns since Christ
File 26  Tetrad - Template
File 28  Tetrad - Virgo Connection
File 14  Throne of YHVH - Heavenly Patterns
File 19  Tiahuanaco Pleiades Pyramid Patterns
File 9    Time - Eclipse and 3rd Temple
File 48  Time - End of 3022 AD?
File 70  Time Zones - of the Rapture based on Pentecost
File 40  Timeline - The Last Jubilee Judgment
File 75  Tonga - Detonations

File 27  Tower of Babel, Modern
File 7    Towers - Start of National Judgment

File 14  Trafalgar Square - Masonic Man Motif
File 7    Transit - Venus Pattern of the Rapture
File 24  Transit of Mercury -  Purim Eclipse Moon
File 34  Treaty, of Rome - Yom Kippur Connection
File 16  Tree of Life - Pope and the Church of Philadelphia

File 38  Triad of 2018 - 70th Year Old Blood Moon
File 81  Tribulation - 2025 - 2032 
File 7    Tribulation - Celestial Time Clock Countdown

File 84  Tribulation - Offset
​File 74  Tribulation - Period 2022-29?
File 53  Tribulation - Taurus Star Alignments
File 26  Tribulation - Template Rapture Reflections
​FIle 82  Trinity Atomic Blast Zone
File 59  Trinity, Celestial - Comparative Study

File 53  Trump, Donald - Jerusalem Embassy
File 55  Trump, Donald - Decrees
File 36  Trumpets, Feasts of 2017
File 23  Tu B'Av - Feast of New Wine

File 57  Uffington White Horse
​File 64  United States of Babylon

File 71  Universe - Quadrant Beasts/Signs

File 71  Ur - Pope's Visit 1260th day
File 19  Ur - Orion Star Map
File 26  Ur - Orion Dragon Temple

File 85  Vatican - Chi Rho Celestial Key
File 20  Vatican - Orion and Pleiadian Star Maps
File 22  Vatican - Throne of Heaven's 'Queen'
File 14  Venus Retrogrades - Cosmic Patterns of Prophecy
File 70  Venus Retros in Taurus
File 11  Vernal Equinox Eclipse Patterns
File 11  Vernal Hexagram - The Equinox Eclipse
File 7    Vesica - The Church Age
File 7    Virgins - The Maidens of the Hyades
File 68  Virgo - 1st Prophecy -3915 BC
File 40  Virgo - 666 Stars
File 63  Virgo - 1260 Day Prophetic Shelf Life
File 32  Virgo - Birth of the Tetrad Blood Moons
File 34  Virgo - Birth 12 Tribes of Jacob
File 76  Virgo - Black Hole
File 30  Virgo - Chanukah Connection
File 26  Virgo - Comet 67p Conjunction
File 37  Virgo - Comets of the Virgin
File 37  Virgo - Conception Comet, Impregnation of the Virgin
File 33  Virgo - Da Vinci Decoded - Revelation 12 Sign
File 23  Virgo - Draconids Meteor Shower
File 52  Virgo - Gestation Period Patten
File 30  Virgo - Jubilee Comet
File 34  Virgo - Jubilee Anniversary 6 Day War
File 33  Virgo - Man Child Birth
File 48  Virgo - Mars-Pleiades Conjunction 1260th day

File 10  Virgo - Menorah
File 30  Virgo - Orion Connection
File 35  Virgo - Porrima Pentecost Conjunctions
File 23  Virgo - Procession of Conjunction Countdown of Moon
File 37  Virgo - Pyramid Alignment
File 36  Virgo - Retrograde of Jupiter Church Age
File 8    Virgo - Revelation Sign
File 42  Virgo - Satellites of the Dragon
File 32  Virgo - Sign
File 32  Virgo - Sign of the Magi
File 36  Virgo - Solar System Perspectives
File 31  Virgo - Witness - Stars of Virgo
File 30  Virgo - Womb
File 37  Virgo - The Wonder Woman

File 7    Wars - The Jewish Muslim Wars
​File 25  Washington Mall Pyramid
File 13  Washington Masonic Memorial
File 7    Wrath - Scroll of the Lamb
File 8    WW3 - Muslim Ring of Invasions
​File 79  World War 3 - Phi Ratio Patterns




File 49  Zechariah Protocols - Jerusalem Embassy
File 7    Zero Time Wave Patterns
File 8    Zodiac - Meridian Moon Alignment  
File 6    Zodiacs - The Celestial Stations of the Tetrad


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The Artwork

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...'And to bring to light what is the Administration of the Mystery which for Ages has been hidden in YHVH who created all things; so that the Manifold Wisdom of YHVH might now be made known through the Church to the Rulers and the Authorities in the Heavenly Places.' - Ephesians 3:9-11

Following are a series of nearly 1000 Illustrated Charts in PDF format from several study and research angles; Political, Religious, Esoteric, and Astronomical, etc. The Charts are free to download for study and educational purposes. These Charts are a commentary on various subjects based on research intended for illustration purposes only attempting to ascertain certain key Dates, Places and Celestial Events based on Patterns and Typology.

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