The Revelation in the Bible Codexes
A study in Code Patterns found in the Bible. The book includes the over 100 Code Matrix Tables. These are 'Messages' for the Bride of Christ, the Church and Israel in the Last Days. The icon is for the 6x9 size publication that can be purchased online or downloaded as a PDF for a donation. See Book Link in Main Menu Bar.


-Abaddon is Coming CERN
-Abomination of Desolation
-Abyss Gates of CERN
-Amalekites, Evil
-America is Babylon
-America, Collapse of
-America, Fall of
-Anomalies in Daniel
-Antichrist in Book of Daniel
-Antichrist Multifaceted
-Apollyon and Abyss
-Apollyon Revisited 
-Asteroid in Days of Awe?
-Atomic Holocaust
-Atomic Holocaust-Torah
-Atomic Holocaust-Ambush

-Babylonian King
-Barak Obama
-Barak H. Obama-1
-Barak H. Obama-2
-Barak H. Obama-3
-Behold the Days are Coming
-Bible He Encoded
-Blood Moons, GOD's Message
-Blood Moons, Warning
-Bohemian Grove Exposed
-Book of Life

-CERN Fire Gates of Hell
-CERN Gates of Abyss
-Chem-Trailed World
-Coming, 2nd
-Coming, 2nd Kaduri
-Covenant with Many
-Cup of Trembling

-Damascus, Burden of
-Darby's Rapture Verdict
-Day of the LORD-1
-Day of the LORD-2
-Date of Messiah
-Death Methods, DNA
-Destroyer Comes
-Dome of the Rock

-Eclipse Across America
-Elect Gathered
-End of an Era (Age)
-End of Days
-End Days
-End of Days Apocalypse-1
-End of Days Apocalypse-2
-Enoch and Elijah

-FBI Comey Cover Ups
-FEMA Camps
-Fig Tree Parable
-Fire & Fear-Comet Nibiru
-Fire from Heaven
-Flares, Solar
-Flies, Lord of the
-Fullness of Gentiles-1
-Fullness of Gentiles-2
-Fullness of the Gentiles

-Grace, End of
-Golgotha, Ark of Covenant
-Golgotha, Blood and Crevice

-Hillary is Corrupt-1
-Hillary is Corrupt-2
-Hillary Steals Election

-Illuminati Revealed
-Islam is of Satan

-Jesus of Nazareth-1
-Jesus of Nazareth-2
-Jubilee, the Last

-Kaduri Message
-King, Anointed

-Light of the World

-Mark of the Beast
-Massiach and Elijah
-Melchizedek Yeshua
-Molech Rising
-Mystery Babylon

-Name, they Cursed His
-Nephilim Genome Hybrids
-Nibiru, Comet End of Days
-Nibiru Destroyer Fire-1
-Nibiru Destroyer Fire-2
-Nibiru Destroyer Fire-3
-Nibiru Planet 7x Wormwood
-Nibiru Star will Fall
-Nibiru Destroyer is Coming
-Noah, as in Days of
-Name, the Day of Trouble

-Obama, Glazerson's
-Obama 2015 Updated

-Perdition, Son of-1
-Perdition, Son of-2
-Perdition, Son of-3
-Perdition, Son of-4
-Perdition, Son of-5
-Perversion is His Name
-Peter the Roman
-Plagues Unleashed-1
-Plagues Unleashed-2
-Planet 7x Wormwood
-Pope Unveiling of Harlot


-Rain, Former and Latter
-Rapture in Leviticus
-Restore Name of YHVH
-Resurrection of Jesus
-Revelation 12-Gathering
-Revelation 17-Pope Beast

-Scalia Murdered
-Seventh Seal-1
-Seventh Seal-2
-Seven Seals
-Silence in Heaven-1
-Silence in Heaven-2
-Shemitah-Coming War
-Shemitah-Final Warning
-Shroud of Turin
-Siding Spring Comet
-Sin, Man of
-Sixth Seal
-Son of David is Coming-1
-Son of David is Coming-2
-Son of David is Coming-3
-Sons of Light have Returned
-Sorrows, Time of
-Spoiler & Sleeper
-Snake, Coming of the
-Star Shade
-Syria, Fall of Assad
-Syrian President will Fall
-Syrian President in the Codes

-Temple, 3rd
-Temple, 3rd-Revisited
-Temple, 3rd-Yehuda Glick
-Tetrad, 7th
-Tetrad, 7th-DNA Death 
-Thunders, 7
-Times, Gods Appointed
-Times, Gods Appointed-1
-Times, Gods Appointed-2
-Time of Sorrows
-Tree of Hope
-Tribulation Coming
-Trump Wins-Hillary Steals-1
-Trump Wins-Hillary Steals-2
-Trumpets of Judgment
-Tsipras, Alexis-1
-Tsipras, Alexis-2


-Vatican's Rule

-War is Coming-1
-War is Coming-2
-War, Iran Nuclear Deal
-Warning from God, Stern
-World War 2016 Glazerson
-Wonder in Heaven, Great
-Worthy is the Lamb



-Yeshua, Genesis Resurrection
-Yeshua is My Name


© Matthew Wright Ministries
Graphic layout by Luis B. Vega

For an explanation-study of each of the chart code matrix, visit the YouTube channel video series.




'Then I said, Here I am! I have come! In the Scroll of the Book it is written about Me (Yeshua). I have come to do Your Will.' - Psalm 40:7

The Bible Code is a purported set of 'Secret Messages'/Word and/or phrases encoded within the text of the Bible. These 'Hidden Codes' have been described as a method by which specific letters from the Scriptures can be selected to reveal hidden word combinations.

The primary method by which purportedly meaningful messages have been extracted is called the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). To obtain an ELS from a text, a Starting Point is chosen and then a Skip Number. Select Letters from the text, at Equal Spacing determined by the Skip Number produces the 'Codes.’  –from Wikipedia paraphrased

With the aid of modern computer code software, this decoding of the Bible has been facilitated. There have been numerous ‘Code Searcher’s over time. In modern times, the notion became popularized by the book entitled The Bible Code written by Michael Drosnin in the early 90s.

The following charts are the work of CodeSearcher, Matthew Wright. The author of these particular Codes believes that they are a ‘Modern Day Ephod', And that the Bible Codes are not to be a predictor of events but that there is Divine Revelation there.

Code Listing in Alpha Order
‘The Codes are considered to possibly be another 'Witness' to the authenticity of the Word of YHVH. The following are a series of annotated Bible Code charts, over 100 in number. They are free to download and in PDF format. The Bible Codes are sectioned-off by Alpha Order. These Bible Codes are presented for one's discernment and consideration.