A Study in the Ancient Luciferian Signatures

  • Why are Cydonia, Mars patterns mirrored in Moscow?
  • What does the Star Map have to do with this world capital?
  • Is there a portal or entry point at such sacred sites?

by Luis B. Vega

for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com

‘The sting of Death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law; but thanks be to YHVH, who gives us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved Brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the LORD.’  -1 Corinthians 15:57-58

The purpose of this exposé is to continue in the series of occult ley-lines studies in major modern world capitals. Moscow is selected because of the Syrian involvement and leadership in the world by Putin. Russia has now a direct military involvement in Syria at the request of Assad. The collective aim is total victory and defeat of the U.S., MI6 and MOSSAD created ISIS. This Islamic army is made up of mercenaries from various Muslim nations that has been funded by the Saudis and co-opted by Turkey. The façade by Obama and NATO to seemingly fight against ISIS is one agenda that is working towards guaranteeing that a World War 3 will occur. As it is, the Luciferian Globalists plan to infuse the world with chaos is working very well. Some collateral damage has been the hordes of Muslims allowed to invade Europe that has gone mad in accepting them awhile the U.S. and the EU are sending back Syrian Christians.

Such variables are working in the favor of the Globalist Luciferians to position in place the Police State apparatus in the USA and Europe to eventually usher in their Brave New World. ISIS has been created as the new ‘evil’ to justifying military spending and budgets that only make the people less safe and with less civil rights while they promise ‘peace and security’. This study suggests that the geo-politics of the Middle East World War to come for example has been advanced as a direct result of ley-lines. The end result in Paris was to prompt France to fully engage in the Luciferian plan to topple Assad. The study in the Paris Ley-Lines uncovered undeniable evidence of ancient Luciferian signatures. Perhaps such an ancient city as Moscow could have the same occult ley-line signatures; it does. It is shocking to continue to uncover the same motifs and Satanic symbols that are so prevalent in ancient religious places and practices.

These religious practices and motifs are still used today but are encrypted in a grand scale in great cities of power from where the Luciferians rule the nations, for the time being. They are the priestly, business, education and military classes that use the power given to them by Lucifer to advance his agenda. It is the Bible, and specifically Jesus that attested to this fact personally and to Lucifer himself because of the Fall and sin of the 1st humans. Adam and Eve forfeited their dominion, power, and authority over to Lucifer. As with the Paris, London, Washington DC, Babylon, and Jerusalem ley-line studies, for example this study is not insinuating that all those living within those great cities are complicit to such diabolical Luciferian agendas.

The Angels of the Ancient Wars
Most if not all but those in the know have any idea that such occultic signatures exist in such world capitals. Most ley-liens are masked with glorious and beautiful decor and cannot be easily identified because that is the precise intent. Such Luciferian signatures are to be hidden in plain sight. One has to be initiated in their crafts or so-called deep secrets to recognize their occultic ‘graffiti’. Once one can discern the key or keys, their patterns can be unlocked and deciphered. What is amazing to contemplate is that such patterns were to be expected in ancient sites such as Babylon, Teotihuacan, Angkor Wat, etc. Such discoveries are legendary as developed by the work of Graham Handcock and Wayne Herschel for example among many others. It is intriguing that one particular motif keeps coming up over and over again in the major capitals of the world. Such world capitals of the modern era seem to copy a particular template.

This template is the Fields of Mars, Cydonia on the Planet Mars, the ‘god of War’. This study suggests that the stage is being set for the Angels of War to revisit the Middle East as they did in the Bible in these Last Days to close out the Age. The political and military alliances in Syria are now pretty much set up this stage. It is very interesting that each alliance has its correlating Angels of War. The Russian alliance has the spirit of Gog-Magog that will eventually involve the Ezekiel War. Then there is the Prince of Persia with Iran. Lastly there is China that at some point also will be involved as it will be led by the Princes of the Kings of the East. The battlefield will be no less the land of Mt. Hermon, Syria where the original 200 Fallen Ones descended in the days of Enoch.

The opposing alliance is that of the USA and NATO for the most part and with the help of other Muslim nations. As noted, their pretext has been to destroy ISIS but what the USA and NATO has not done, Russia has decimated ISIS in a matter of weeks. The USA and NATO assets have not attacked ISIS but the infrastructure of the nation instead. To those that have any military education, this is the prime protocols in preparing for war. Many End Times scholars believe that the groundwork is now set for an eventual confrontation that most likely will involve a nuclear exchange of some sort. As the real intent is to creep into a confrontation with Israel by Lucifer, it will be the Princes of YHVH, that of Gabriel and Michael that will come to Israel’s defense. All these Angels of War will be taking up once again the Angelic contention of Lucifer attempting to take control of the earthly Zion as well as the Heavenly one.

This speculated World War 3 is perhaps to occur sometime in 2016 if the mathematical calculations are correct based on the theory of the phi ratio patterns of prophetic time. As presented in other studies, there appears to be a convergence of 3 main overlapping timelines that are running in tandem. Based on the phi ratio of time between the 1st and 2nd World War, the 3rd World War is to occur sometime in 2016 and in accordance with some occultic date. Likewise, the New World Orders followed each World War. The 3rd pattern is that of how Israel at each juncture also advanced in the prophetic restoration. This occurred as the nation was birthed in 1948, and then the Temple Mount was re-captured in 1967. Thus if the convergence of all these patterns based on the phi ratio are valid and reliable, then not only where there be a 3rd World War in the Middle East in 2016 but a New World Oder will emerge and the 3rd Temple will be established.

The Hexagonal Key
What is so special and profound about these heavenly patterns that all ancient civilizations had it as its primary layout to their most important temple complexes? More perplexing is why are the modern world capitals continuing to be built on such similar ley-line patterns? This Cydonia, Mars pattern is connected to the Pleiades and primarily the constellations of Orion and Taurus. The original source template is thus spiritual and of the Cosmos itself. As in previous studies, it is suggested that such signatures are used by the Luciferians. It is of the occult forbidden knowledge as some Fallen Angelic beings trespassed into the human domain to corrupt Humanity’s DNA and thwart YHVH’s agenda of redemption; this is corroborated by the Bible. This forbidden knowledge of the Fallen Ones involves sorcery, witchcraft, and blood sacrifices, etc. 

Such beings know and have a higher level of intelligence to utilize such ley-lines that are built on such angles, degrees, and headings to maximize the energies at certain places and at certain times. The reason that such ley-lines are still utilized is because these same Fallen Angelic entities still exist and enlist generational bloodlines of willing human slaves to implement Lucifer’s signatures on Earth as it is from the Heavenlies were they came from. Realize that the ley-line patterns are best seen and identified from the air. This is precisely the realm where the Fallen Ones have their abode as ‘Princes of the Power of the air’. Their abode is in the clouds as they cloche within them and see down over their assigned dominions of nations, cities and people even.

In the case of Moscow, the Moscow River makes a profound ‘snake’ like impression on the city core.  At the heart of the city is the ancient Kremlin fortress. It is from this coordinate that the Cydonia, Mars template is unlocked. To reiterate what the Cydonia, Mars template is, it is a complex of 3 main structures that are mathematically related to each other beyond random chance. There is the Pyramid City composed of 7 main pyramids making up a core geometric pentagram relationship. This 7-pyramid city complex corresponds to the Pleiades. Next is the D&M Pyramid with 5 sides. It is the ‘Pentagon’ on Mars like that of the USA. Lastly there is the Face structure. All these 3 structures have a corresponding star or Sun; perhaps even a planet from where many speculate the 200 Fallen came from to Mt. Hermon in Syria. They either at some point left their posts or were part of the celestial war that destroyed Mars.

These 3 points in the Cydonia, Mars complex become nodes and form a triangle. The reverse produces a Hexagram that this study suggests the modern world capitals have and become gateways. This is the point, those same entities and being perhaps conscripted their human minions to replicate their lost celestial estates; a home away from home if you will to transit more easily. The ‘Hexagram’ layout over Moscow is very profound as it follows the slanted angles of the Moscow River as if the river is the ‘snake’ depicted in the occult motifs. What is unique about the Cydonia, Mars layout is that sometimes the Luciferians will seek to mask the positions within a city so as to not make it that obvious of a direct template match. In the case of Moscow, the Cydonia template is flipped 90 degrees and rotated 180 degrees as it is in the case of Paris.

The Cydonia Template
As it directly correlates to the Moscow ley-lines, this same 3 structure signature construes the Hexagram superimposed upon Moscow. There is the Lenin Stadium that is to the south of the city. This stadium was used for the 1980 Olympic Games. This structure corresponds to the face of Ala-lu in Mars. The modern Moscow Financial Center is to the west with the 7 main business towers corresponding to the 7 main stars of the Pleaides. Even the angle of the bridge connecting the district over to the other side is in direct alignment as the Pleiades are. Then there is the ancient Kremlin, it is amazingly configured as a pentagram and matches the D&M Pyramid of Mars. Red Square is the geographic center of the city with Saint Basil’s Cathedral as the center point.  As mentioned, the Cydonia Hexagram pattern is seen in Washington DC and Babylon for example.

As a Hexagram is essentially a key to open portals, such places were considered a place that crossed the inter-dimensional fabric of space and time.  For example, Babylon means the ‘Gate of the Gods’. Was it for such a reason and purpose Nimrod wanted to pierce this ‘gate’ or portal with his tower to invade Heaven itself with? In the occult the Hexagram is the key that open doors. This is done at certain places and at certain times of a certain day. What completes the ritualistic equation is most often a life energy force, such as Earth ley-lines or the life energy in the blood of animals and humans. This is precisely what occurred with regard to the Paris ley-lines as the bombing and human blood sacrifices to Allah were performed on Friday the 13th.

How the Friday the 13th and the Hexagram are directly related is that on Samhain, or Halloween, for example the Druids would go door to door of a castle or village asking for a ‘treat’. This meant a human sacrifice. If the residents did not oblige, a red Hexagram was placed on the door, commensurate with a portal for which, not which would allow the demons to funnel in through to the house and cause havoc as a ‘trick’. Moreover, in the occult, the Hexagram is sometimes depicted with a serpent in the middle. This is also seen in the Blue Cross ‘X’ motif with the snake on a pole. Most would not have a clue that this is an encrypted Hexagram and the ancient motif referred to the snake as the Shining One.

This is the one that is ascribed to Lucifer that deceives all Humanity into thinking he is here to heal and help Humanity. This is a prime example how a seemingly ‘good’ symbol actually has dark occultic innuendos. This ancient serpent motif is referred to as the Shining One and even the Bronze Snake Moses made to put on the pole. It was to have the people be healed of the snake bites for their complaining and unbelief. It is Jesus that fulfilled this type at the cross of Calvary and realized the prophecy of Isaiah that ‘by His stripes we are healed’.  It is also how a bad event such as an Islamic massacre will be used to convince the masses that the effects will be ‘good’ for the people but in reality the False Flag event was used to further subjugate the masses for the coming total control of the Shining One.

The Victory
Although the Moscow ley-lines are just the beginning of what is still to be discovered in terms of encrypted Luciferian signatures, there is one other structure that will be highlighted also. This place is called Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill or Gora. It is a memorial dedicated to the victory of Mother Russia after World War 2. The layout is that of a pyramid that has profound headings and connections to the overall Hexagram pattern of Moscow. The style of the pyramid, as seen from the air is that of the Luciferian unfinished pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye. This ‘Eye’ corresponds to the Obelisk of the Angel of Victory, Nike. The Obelisk is very beautiful and is approximately 171 meters. This would constitute 13 sections as in the unfinished pyramid of the Masons and Cabbalists. What is rather amazing is that the name of the hill means Worshipful Submission Hill.

This is thus another encrypted signature of how the Luciferians draw from a place and time where people go to ‘worship’ the Angel of Victory, aka Lucifer of the unfinished pyramid. This is an encrypted type of Nimrod that was interrupted in this quest to build his pyramid and obtain victory over YHVH, Biblically speaking. When an opposite triangle is superimposed onto the Victory Park pyramid layout, a Hexagram emerges also. It would be appropriate in context to have such an Angel of Victory commemorating a World War, but this has overtones of Mercury and by occultic association, an ancient innuendo to Lucifer. Inside the Hall is a statue of a man fire in hand, a clear inference to Prometheus. It is Lucifer’s agenda and Great Work to strive at all costs to attain victory over YHVH, the Creator in Heaven and the Christians on Earth.

Lucifer seeks the nations to join him in his prideful quest to overthrow the Almighty and obtain ‘Victory’. Amazingly, in contrast Jesus has shared His Victory over sin, self, Satan and Death for all eternity out of love for Humanity to Humanity. Unfortunately for Russia, the Bible foretells that Russia will be spiritually drawn into the Middle East conflict as with a ‘hook in the mouth’. Russia will be the agent allowed to be used of Lucifer in an attempt to gain victory over Israel at some point in the near future. In fact, there are 2 Gog-Mag wars against Zion. The first one is clearly identified as being the Gog-Magog Russian confederation of outer Muslim nations that will attack Israel, but they will be miraculously defeated.

There is the 2nd Gog-Mag war at the end of the Millennial reign where Lucifer will be let loosed from his prison to seek a victory over Zion even still. It will only be at this time and place that Lucifer’s doom will be sealed as he is cast into the Lake of Fire. The specific aim of Lucifer’s ‘Victory’ according to some interpretations of the Bible is two-fold. One is to secure the 3rd Temple and sit atop the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant and proclaim himself that he is ‘God’ to be worshiped by all through the AntiChrist. Second, the False Prophet will set up some sort of idol or statue on the wing of the 3rd Temple that will be the Abomination of Dissolution spoken of by the Prophet Daniel and referenced by Jesus. In the meanwhile, according to the Bible, the Angels of War appear to once again converge to confront each other in Syria. Spiritually speaking, the Victory over the Red Dragon has already been secured by Jesus the Lamb. This comprehensive Salvation is complete but is being unveiling in time.

The Coming Confrontation
Perhaps the Followers of Jesus and Lucifer are bound to this same time of eventual complete redemption of the Saints and condemnation of Lucifer. Just like a Christian’s redemption is 3-fold and progressive, past, present, and future, so is the plan for Lucifer’s doom. A believer in Jesus was saved, that is holistically and completely but it is being unveiling in time. It was one’s spirit that was saved, that light of the soul that went out due to original sin was rekindles, justified. Presently the soul of a Follower of Jesus is being saved, sanctified by the washing of the renewing of the WORD. Ultimately, one’s body will be saved; as in a glorification. In comparison, Lucifer was defeated at the cross by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Lucifer is being defeated presently by the warrior Bride of the Church through prayer and preaching, at least the 5 wise ones.

Ultimately, Lucifer will be defeated at Armageddon and thereafter cast into the Lake of Fire. Like all the Followers of Jesus awaiting their glorious redemption of their bodies at the point of the Resurrection and Rapture, the Bride and the Beast are nonetheless subject to the same time or schedule. And perhaps their fulfillment will converge in one in the same event or timeframe. However, it is a matter of time until time and space synchronize to Lucifer’s judgement and sentencing. The Bride’s redemption could also occur in such a convergence of events to include the coming 3rd World War. Perhaps as the next stage of prophetic fulfillment is reached in the Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 World War, the Bride of Christ will be completed as the New World Order is completed. According to the Bible, YHVH allows the Luciferians to rule but only for the time being.

As the End comes into focus it appears that the rise of their Islam is that which is being used as a judgement against the USA and the decadent West. Lucifer knows that his time is short; there is an end to Lucifer and the death and suffering he has brought to the nations. In contrast it is Jesus that is the true Victor. Jesus has saved Humanity from the madness of Lucifer, his Fallen Angels, the demons, and demon-led followers. YHVH wishes to bestow this Eternal Life as a free gift to all of Humanity because of His love for Humanity. Moreover, Jesus has shared His Victory over sin, self, Satan, and Death. It is a free love gift but it is by invitation only and Humanity needs to positively respond to Jesus’ personal invitation made through His People, His Church.

Jesus as the Creator and Conquering King wishes all of Humanity to have this Victory. This Victory can only be found in Him, in Jesus. The Bible is very clear that in no other Name can a person go to Heaven, be forgiven of sin and saved unless it is through Jesus. Every other prophet, priest or king have been false and have been or will be defeated. The difference is that Jesus rose from the Dead to restore Adam’s race. This Victory in Jesus restores the dominion over the nations to be taken back from the present-day Luciferians to be ruled and governed in righteousness and godliness by the Saints. In and through Jesus, the Almighty kept His promise to Eve that her ‘Seed’ would crush Satan, the Red Dragon and impart Eternal Life. Lucifer is already defeated, is being defeated and will be defeated. It is rather symbolic that at the base of the Obelisk of Victory Park in Moscow, there is a statue of St. George slaying the Dragon. Where O Death (Lucifer) is Your Victory?

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