‘And if anyone gives even a Cup of cold Water to one of these Little Ones because he is My Disciple, truly I tell you, he will never lose his Reward’. -Matthew 10:42
The Aim of PostScritpst.org is to investigate and comment on a variety of Topics that are Bible Centered and/or are Related, such as Eschatology. It is the Study of the End Times, as one believes the Church Age is about to conclude. How Soon? That is the Quest to best Approximate that Blessed Hope that is next on the Prophetic Horizon. It is when Jesus is to Rescue his Bride before the Hour of Trial is to fall upon an Unsuspecting and Unprepared Wicked World.
Although some Material or Conjecture may not sit well or one may not be in Total Agreement, it is one’s best effort to be as Objective as Possible. It is about Studying the Biblical Scriptures and then ‘Reading’ the ‘Sky’ for Possible Signs, Clues and Prophetic Patterns that Jesus did admonish His Followers to be on the Look-Out for.
As of 2023, one has put out the Call to have any and all who view the Website and follow one’s Work to have an opportunity to give back. It is only really because of the Higher Cost of Living and keeping the Website online. Any Financial Contribution will cover the Cost of the Domain Name, Certification and Internet Monthly Service. As one lives in California, the Cost of Living is exceptionally high. With Rent and Food being the primary items, the Financial Contribution of those listed below, whether $5, $10, $50, $100 or more is duly Noted and Appreciated.
As any Contribute Financially, or as with Prayer, Consider yourself a ‘PostScript Patron’ and Partner in one’s Research. Hopefully one will also share in the Work by such means and will also partake of the Rewards to come given-out by Jesus, if any because of this Labor of Love. When the Bride will be before the King at the Bema Seat of Christ, it will be because of his type of Help, just the Same and Rewards, just the Same, LORD willing will see all that the Harvest yielded in Souls won for Jesus and the Kingdom.
Keep the Watch!
Psalm 27
ROLL CALL: PostScript Patrons Shout-Outs!
Scott S. August 3, 2023
Brian R. July 23, 2023
Judi E. July 23, 2023
Grahame F. July17, 2023
Rodney W. July 13, 2023
Chuck H. June 20, 2023
Bob D. May 14, 2023
As a small Token, one will be Emailing the PostScripts Patrons a Certificate of Appreciation.
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Luis B. Vega | vegapost@hotmail.com | www.PostScripts.org
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