Throne Room of the Prince of Persia

  • Were Persian Temples were configured to the Stars?
  • Was Susa the Design based off of the Pleiades?
  • Were 'Portals' or Star-Gates opened with such geometry?

by Luis B. Vega
for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org ​
EMAIL: vegapost@hotmail.com

‘As for me, I heard but could not Understand; so I said, my LORD, what will be the Outcome of these Events? He said, Go your way, Daniel, for these Words are concealed and Sealed-Up until the End Time. Many will be Purged, Purified and Refined, but the Wicked will act Wickedly; and none of the Wicked will Understand, but those who have Insight will Understand’. –Daniel 12:8-10

The purpose of this study is to consider the Ancient Ley-Lines of 1 of the Ancient Persian Capitals where the Prophet Daniel is said to have last lived and been buried. Daniel is perhaps 1 of the Greatest Prophets that ever lived, concerning the Revelation of YHVH and the Messiah in the Bible. Ironically, the Prophet Daniel is not considering a ‘Prophet’ in Jewish Theology. Jesus did. Although they do include the Book in the Cannon of their Holy Scriptures. This Book is not, however, considered to be of the 1st Degree of Importance. Why? The Reason is that it precisely foretells Jesus’ Advents.

It is the Christian Church that recognizes Daniel as a Prophet of the 1st Degree and whom the Secrets of Heaven and Earth were given to. It is YHVH Himself that holds Daniel in High Esteem. As to Daniel, he is one of the ones named that could not even stay a Judgment against Israel, if he prayed. The Writings of Daniel speak of the Spiritual and even Psychological Condition of YHVH’s Earthly People while in Exile in Babylon, how Iraq and then subsequently in Persia, now as Iran, etc. To Daniel is revealed the entire Blueprint of the World Empires since after the Flood of Noah and how it would conclude before Jesus Christ’s 2nd Coming. Astonishing, it was given to Daniel the Timeline of when Jesus’ 1st Coming was to occur, right down to the Day.

The Book of Daniel, although highly contested as there ever being such a man, on one Hand and not considered a Primary Source for Eschatology on the other Hand, attests to its Contention because of its Message. It judges YHVH’s People for their constant Insubordination, failure to keep the Covenant and not heed to the Signs of YHVH, much like Today. The Book of Daniel justifies the Judgments of YHVH against His Earthly People, the Jews as they endure the Diaspora from the Land of Judea and Samaria.

Furthermore, the Book of Daniel is very relevant still to this Day, as it has not concluded nor fulfilled in what is to come, the 70th Week of Years that. This is according to how some interpret the 70 Weeks of Daniel. The Last Week of Years is yet to be completed. This Time-Frame will be taken up with Daniel’s counterpart in the New Testament. This deals with the Last Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. It concludes Daniels’s Last Week from Chapters 5 onward. Daniel was specifically told that such Revelation was to be revealed for People to understand in the Last Days specifically and only then.

Palace of Principalities
The Cydonia Triangulation will show that like most Ancient Places of Royal Palaces and Temples of Worship, the particular Layout of such Sacred Complexes were configured to mirror the Stars of Heaven or ‘Heaven’ itself. It was understood and believed that it was from the Stars that the ‘Gods’ had come and seeded Humanity. To this End, the Kings and Priests of the various Civilizations constructed their Temples and Palaces according to the Constellations, Sacred Geometry and Mathematics. What is amazing is that the recurring Theme or Template comes not from Earth but from Mars.

As the Viking Probes were 1st sent to Mars by NASA, the images of the Surface of Mars have made many People perplexed. It is even more so now as the various Mars Land Rovers that are producing even more Images of Anomalies as to Mar’s Ancient Past. Such Anomalies appear to corroborate that Mars has Traces of Civilization, Pyramids, and Structures that are unexplained. One specific Complex of Structures is found in the Cydonia Region where there is a notable Pyramid City Structure, a Giant Pentagon Pyramid and the famous Face of Mars. What is astonishing is that the Ancient Civilization on Earth had an understanding that there was a ‘Face’ Structure or Temple on Mars.

It was the subject of the Creation Account Writings in the 1st ever Recordings of human Knowledge, that of the Sumerians. Such knew that there was also a Solar System with 9 Plants and that a 10th one was the Destroyer, Red Dragon that caused the Destruction of former Ages, such as Atlantis and Mars. This Cydonia Complex Triangulation is patterned all over Earth, even where Daniel lived, in Babylon and then in Susa. The flowing section will delve into the approximate Configuration of the Persian Imperial Capital of Susa where the Prophet Daniel last had his Revelations. It is believed that the Tomb of Daniel, among many other Contenders, is in Susa.

Daniel’s Tomb is situated to the West of the Susa Mounds on the Karkheh River facing Jerusalem. No doubt, Daniel longed to return to Jerusalem, which is exactly 666 Nautical Miles to the Temple Mount. It is currently a Muslim Mosque as Islam recognizes Daniel as a Prophet. The Capital City of Darius I, the Mede is called Shushan or Shush. It is in the Khuzestan Province or Shi’ite Muslim Iran. Once Babylon was captured by Cyrus the Great, the Persian, the Dual Rulers of this Empire forged the 2nd World Empire according to the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream that the Prophet Daniel interpreted. The 2 Arms of the 2nd Beast were Cyrus and Darius and the Empire correlated to a Bear with 3 Ribs in its Mouth, etc.

The Ribs symbolized the 3 main Aryan Tribes of the Empire. The Bear also had one Shoulder elevated, to suggest that the Persians would dominate the Empire as the ’Prince of Persia’ is even a Factor, spiritually to this day. With such Understanding of this Ancient History, even in the Context of the Bible, there is a connection to the Stars, Angels and Spiritual Warfare, etc. Thus, it would make sense of what the following ascertains to, concerning the Layout of the ancient Persian Capital of Darius I at Susa are all about. There are 3 Mounds in the Core of the City that had the Apadana or Throne Hall. It was adjacent the 7-chamber Royal Palace, etc.

Purim Predicament
This is where Esther was brought to and lived. This is where the King wanted to show-off Vashti, the Queen but refused. Xerxes I ordered a National ‘Royal Beauty Pageant’ for her Replacement. This is also, however, where Haman lived as well. He sought to destroy the Jews in ‘1 Day’, Purim. It was at this Throne Hall that Esther approached the King as the Scepter was extended to her to Save the Jews. Susa was the Place where the Prophet Daniel was thrown to the Lions’ Den and after, YHVH sent an Angel to guard him. Instead, the Enemies of YHVH’s People and their Families were in turn, cast into the Den. The Apadana is modeled after the one also built in Persepolis by Cyrus. It had 72 Columns which has a Numerical Factor of 6 and a Fractal of the Measure of Time. It is 72 Degrees for 1 Arch of Celestial Time in the Procession of the Equinox.
The Throne Chair was situated towards the back but in a particular Spot, unapparent. However, if one superimposes the Great Pyramid Template that are aligned to Orion’s Belt, the Great Sphinx is thus, positions as the Throne Chair, as the ‘Head’ of the Empire, in approximate Phi Ratio to the space. Amazingly, this Orion Star Alignment is in line with the 7 Chambers of the Royal Palace that corresponds to the Pleiades Star Cluster. The actual Dimension of the Pleiades is in Phi Ratio and matches the Square Layout and Foundation of the entire Structure of the Royal Palace; the ‘Palace of the Pleiadians’. The Apadana is also in approximate Phi Ratio to the Royal Palace, which is amazing to consider as no Royal Building was just arbitrarily build anywhere.

As the Palace and Throne of Darius I was correlated to the Pleiades, the Acropolis was correlated to the Giant D&M Pentagon Fortress of Mars. This Structure was situated in the other Mound to the South and elevated as well. The Topography even suggests a 5-Sided Rampart. Its Blocks were used to build the Castle Fortress. It still stands from the Rubble of the Former Glory in Daniel and Esther’s Day. The Triangulation of these 2 Mound and Structures gives the position to the area that is encloses as a Rectangular Depression in the Ground. This is suggested that it correlates to the Face of Mars.

If one does superimpose the Cydonia Martian Motif Triangulation as illustrated, it does appear to match, although it is elongated in the case of Susa. The Configuration at Susa is at an approximate 45 Degreed Rotation Clockwise from that in Mars. What is also interesting to observe, is that the Reverse Triangle, fashioned by the Triangulation construes a Hexagram. This is the ‘Star-Gate’. The Ley-Lines intersects Daniel’s Tomb. When the Orion Constellation Outline is also superimposed, from the reference points of the Royal Palace, it corresponds to the Dragon Nebula of Orion. It is approximately at 33 Degrees of a Slope from the Orion Belt Star of Alnitak. Coincidence?

The Book of Daniel is considered the as the ‘Book of Revelation’ of the Old Testament and it also speaks of the ‘Stars’. In the Parting Remarks of the Angel Gabriel to Daniel, he asserts that those who turn Men to Righteousness will 1 Day ‘Shine like the Stars in Heaven’. It is in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament where the prophecies given to Daniel converge. The Book of Revelation is where one picks-up where the other left off. Daniel represents a Generation that pledged to not Defile themselves with the Contemporary Society, its Norms of the World, and its ‘AntiChrist’ System and Spirit.

Duel to the Death
Daniel represents the Best of YHVH’s People in the mist of Failure, Morally and Spiritually. Lucifer knows that if he can get the Youth and Young Generation, he has a Nation in his Grasp, Power and Influence. It is no different now, in that the World seeks to change the Norms, the Spiritual ’Covenants’ between the Creator, YHVH and His People by compromising with the World’s Standards. This was seen in how the Persian Empire sought to forcefully Assimilate the Jews through it Culture, Names, and Religion, even Dietary Customs, etc. What does this look like Today, in the West in particular? In the USA, it looks like when the Mayor of Houston, a professed Lesbian sought to forcefully demand the Sermon Notes of Christian Pastor to make sure no ‘Disparaging’ and ‘Judgmental Comments’ would be made against the LGBT+ Community.

It looks like when Gay Couples, now emboldened by the U.S. Supreme Court Unconstitutional Decision to legalize Same Sex Marriage, force Christian Bakeries, Photographers and other Business to go Out-of-Business for not meeting their Demand to forcefully provide Services. In Europe, it looks like the Islamization of the Culture due to the abandonment of Christianity. It looks like all the Cathedrals turning into Mosques. It looks like Mass Murder Attacks by Muslim Terrorists attacking Christians on Christmas Day. It looks like in Sweden where certain politicians seek to forcefully have Christian Clergy Marry Same Sex Couples or be Imprisoned and/or Fined, etc.

In the Middle East, it looks like the Christian Genocide at the hands of Muslims, and on and on. Jesus did say that there would be coming a Day, and perhaps it has arrived that all Nations or Peoples would Hate ‘you’, on account of Jesus. This goes for the Jews as well. This is referring ro those Christians, or Jews that follow and seek to make a stance for Jesus in the Last Days. It will not be Tolerated, just for believing in Jesus and His Teachings in the Bible. This is just as it was for Daniel and Esther in their Day and Culture. It is this type of Commitment and Humility, however that YHVH seeks; a Heart after the Christ that loves Jesus, the True Messiah, 1st above all else.

To this type of person, YHVH highly Esteemed and Revealed the Secrets of Heaven as in the case of Daniel. He was given the Interpretation of Dreams of the World Kings and Emperors of this Day. Daniel was made the Head Astrology of the Royal Court even. It is believed that Daniel founded a School for such Knowledge that even led to the Persian Magi to seek the King of the Jews, Jesus that Daniel foretold would come. Those Magi were led by the Sign of the Stars in the Constellations even, as it is to this Day with the return of the Christ Stars and the Revelation 12 Sign, for example.

What is rather astonishing, is that the Revelation given to the Prophet Daniel involved himself and his dealing in relation to it. Daniel was amazingly privileged to serve in the Royal Court of the King of Babylon, that of Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel then subsequently served under Cyrus the Persian, Darius the Mede, etc. In fact, these were the 2 out of the 4 World Empires revealed to Daniel that would start the Countdown to not only their Time-Spans but the 1st and 2nd Coming of Jesus. It also provide a Timeline of when the 2nd Temple would be destroyed and the AntiChrist would defile the 3rd Temple that in the end. Jesus will be that Rock that comes down from Heaven to judge the Nations.

Tables Turned
Jesus alone rightly has recovered all Power, Authority and dominion on Earth due to His Work on the Cross of Calvary, as it was taken back from Lucifer, who took it from Adam. Indeed, the Life of Daniel was and is foremost a lesson on Spiritual Warfare. The Life of Daniel and Esther shows how from their Youth, right down to Daniel’s Old Age, Daniel had to Content for the Faith. One would think that after having gone through so many Trials, Daniel, more-or-less would have lived to enjoy a ‘Retired’ Prophet Lifestyle in the End. No. This was not and is not the case for a Follower of Jesus.

The account is that even in his Former Years, he was still Tested with the event of the Den of Lions Incident. And what was the Issue? Prayer. And is not the Issue of Prayer a Point of Contention with all those Enemies of  the Cross? Are not People being Arrested now for daring to even Pray in front of Abortion Clinics? This was a factor then with Daniel’s 3 Friends. They refused the Mandates and Edicts of the Government that went contrary to YHVH’s Laws. They rather go into the Furnace of Fire than Compromise. This is how now, the World has become relentless in Accusing and Belittling the People of YHVH. The Enemies of Jesus are using the Courts and Laws even to fabricate Legal Loopholes against them Why?

It is a Ploy to stop the Influence of Godly Men and Women of YHVH have on this Present Evil Age. Such was the case also with Esther and Mordechai. But due to their Faith and Commitment to YHVH and YHVH’s People, they also saved YHVH’s People. The Spiritual Warfare is real for if not, then the Apostle Paul would not have written Galatians 6. It is a Glimpse of this Spiritual Warfare as seen in the 22-Day Delay of Daniel’s Prayer. The Arch-Angel Gabriel had to call the Arch-Angel Michael to help ward-off this powerful Fallen Angel called the ‘Prince of Persia’. It has Sway, spiritually as a Principality and Power over Nations like Persia and to this day.

In fact, this Battle is not over just yet. Susa is also the place where Nehemiah, who was the Cupbearer to Arta-Xerxes was granted Permission to make sure the Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple were carried out. Along with Ezra and Zerubbabel, such Men took the Challenge of Reconstructing the Fallen ‘Tent of David’ in the Midst of Opposition. Such is the case now as Jews from various Organization are striving to Reconstruct the 3rd Temple and all its Furnishings and Ordinances in the midst of World Opposition it seems. This Luciferian Opposition is but the Façade of the Great Spiritual Warfare presently raging on Earth, as it is in Heaven, etc.

 There has been a 2000 Year Reprieve, called the Church age, as the Forces on each side will once against take Arms in Heaven and on Earth. This is what will occur soon after the Rapture Event. There will be War in Heaven, the ‘Revelation 12 War’. It will correspond to the mid-Point of the 7-Year Week of Years per Daniel. This ‘Celestial Battle’ between Lucifer and his Fallen Angles will battle with Michael and his Holy Angels. Lucifer will lose and be Expelled forever more and will be cast down to Earth. He then will exclusively be bound by Space and Time, the Dimension of the Lowly Mortal Humans he no less reviles. This will conclude Daniel’s Revelation of the Last Days that converge at and come to a Head at Jesus’ 2nd Coming.  


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Possessing the Portals
This book will show how such Martian Motif triangulations served and serve as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on one level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ in another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This book suggests that the triangulations were points of contention as a euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the world in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this book is to present a case for ‘unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical point of view. The book will incorporate a comprehensive array of Astro-Archeological studies compiled using motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s sacred sites, past, present and future. This study will hopefully help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks about will be in part, the ‘return of the Martian Saviors’.

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Star Markers of a Prior Prophetic Time
The purpose of this book is to ascertain the cosmic motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the pyramid designs of the ancient sacred sites on Earth, past, present and future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going cosmic conspiracy regarding what is the true narrative of the interpretation of such sacred designs that are aligned to the stars. The study will involve a large degree of Astro-Archeology pertaining to the coming of the celestial Gate Keepers and Guardians of the Galaxy.

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