A Prophetic Pattern Comparative Study

  • What is the prophetic significance of solar and lunar eclipses?
  • Are eclipses time pieces and does it relate to the Rapture?
  • Is there a code to eclipses based on where and when they occur?

by Luis B. Vega

for PostScripts News (PSN) | www.PostScripts.org

'And there shall be Signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and upon the Earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken.' - Luke 21:25-28

The purpose of this illustration is to show the various solar and lunar eclipse patterns with reference to the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign phenomenon that occurs on September 23, 2017. At this time, the Sun will be in the constellation of Virgo. Several other heavenly bodies, a total of 7 will be present across the expanse of the Virgo Sign. There will be 3 to the right and 3 to the left of the Sun. The illustrated timeline of eclipses perhaps is suggesting that a countdown is occurring that pivots on the Virgo Sign. The apparent key variables are the 3-2-1 total solar eclipses that occurred on the 9th of Av.
This led to the subsequent countdown of seven 7-year timespans that are bookended by a series of Triads of Blood Moons.

Is the Great Sign in Heaven in Virgo of 2017 that culminates in the 7th year signaling that the 7-year Tribulation is approaching to include the Time of Jacob’s Trouble? The problem is that since the Sun will be in Virgo at the time, virtually none of Virgo’s stars will be visible, thus neither will the ‘Sign’. The Sign will be visible if for a moment in the northern hemisphere as Virgo sets during the evening twilight on the 23rd of September in 2017. Precisely consider though that such a ‘Sign’ that is not to be seen obviously to everyone would be tailed for such a technological generation of the Last Days. Such a generation would be able to ‘see it’ with the use of star model software and technology such as a smart phone and/or laptop to ascertain what could not be seen by the naked eye. Is the Virgo Sign a Parable?

Could this assertion be part of the ‘Sign’ itself for the Last Generation and could the Virgo Sign also be functioning as did the parables of Jesus likewise now as a modern-day ‘celestial parable’. Jesus stated that He intentionally ‘hid’ the meaning of His teaching and truth to an unbelieving generation so that only those that truly sought out not only the Words of Christ Jesus, but Jesus Himself would understand. Thus, this study suggests that in this Last Generation, the purpose and meaning of such Celestial Signs could be as a ‘parable’. As the book of Revelation states in 19:10, the aim of all prophecy [and ‘Signs’] is to lead one to Jesus. Perhaps such is the case with this Revelation 12 phenomenon. Some will be let to Christ Jesus as a result and others will not. Many are ‘burned-out’ on supposed hype of ‘Signs’ in the Sun, Moon and Stars or have ‘Rapturitis’.

The 7-Year Countdown?
These sorts of claims or estimations of the Rapture have been made many times before. Especially coming off the Tetrad Blood Moon occurrence in 2014-15. Most believe that ‘nothing happened nor will, but it is because people had and have had the wrong expectations and interpretations regarding YHVH’s Creation and ‘Signs’ It is the case like the Jewish religious leaders of Jesus’ day that could just not tell ‘prophetic time’ nor ‘read the Signs’ in the sky. Could the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign be a culmination to a 7-year countdown instead? A timeline was presented back in 2009-10 depicting the solar and lunar eclipse cycles from 2008 to 2020, Specifically at the start of this 7-year timespan of eclipse pattern were 3 consecutive total solar eclipse on the 9th of Av in 2008, 2009 and 2010.These 3 consecutive eclipses appeared to commence the 3-2-1 countdown to the 7-year pattern of time based on the eclipse patterns. The apparent 7-year countdown started in 2010 with a Triad of Blood Moons that appear to be ‘bookmarking’ this 7-year timeframe.

In fact, if one uses the 360/day prophetic count, it actually renders a 6.66-year long span of time. Many believed the 7-year Tribulation period would have started in 2010. Others were convinced that the Tetrad Blood Moons of 2014-15 was either the midpoint of the Tribulation or the start of it. The 4 lunar Blood Moon eclipses during 2014-15 caused many people to anticipate the return of Jesus then, but of course this did not happen. There was and is a distinct pattern that perhaps the 2008-2009-2010, and 2010-2017 eclipse pattern suggested and suggests a 7-year countdown. With the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign, what sort of prophetic event is this ‘Sign’ supposed to usher in as it is converging at the end of the Triad ‘bookends’? Clearly, most people promoting the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign have in mind the Rapture.

Now with the coming Triad of Blood Moons in 2018-19, could it actually be the case that such a 6.66-year timespan has been actually a countdown to the coming Tribulation period or the start of Daniel’s 70th Week of Years? Then there was the coming Triad of 2018-19 that appears to culminate this 7-year span of time. The possible significant factor is that the end of this time converges with the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign. Thus, could this be the 7-year countdown to something that is to prophetically change the landscape of the current Church Age and/or Israel or both? It was ‘written’ in the Stars, as the Magi comprehended it and were led of the Spirit to do so and act accordingly.

Such Magi were from the ‘Royal Academy’ of Daniel’s Court Astrologers. It was such followers of Christ, like the Magi that were those that were led to Jesus by the reading of the Stars, the ‘Celestial Signs’. The point is that as Israel was stripped of her commission momentarily, the Church Body is somewhat in the same spiritual state of complacency also now in this ‘Last Generation’ just before Jesus’ 2nd coming. The Church Body is for the most part indifference to such ‘Signs’ as that of Revelation 12 and even certain total solar eclipses like the one that occurs across the continental USA just 33 days prior to the Great Sign in Virgo, etc. Perhaps it was because of the ‘let-down’ of the Tetrad Blood Moons and the other many false predictions of Jesus’ return or the Rapture. Granted many are tired and disappointed that apparently ‘nothing happened’ during the Tetrad Blood Moon hype, for example.

The Astrology of the Astronomy
This study argues that it is the Church Body, presently that needs to be discerning of the times, to include the Signs that involve the Sun, Moon, and the Stars. Such revelation as the Virgo Sign is dismissed because it appears to be cloaked in Astrology. Moreover, many Christians are dismissing this particular celestial alignment of September 23, 2017 as nothing more than Astrology that should be avoided. As with any new information presented, there is much disinformation, intentional or not. For starters, from an astronomically point of view, this celestial ‘Sign’ in Virgo in 2017 which is marked by the Sun ‘clothing’ Virgo and the Moon being under her feet and with a ‘Crown of 12 Stars’ over her head is not a rare celestial configuration in themselves. As noted, there are degrees of approximations as the Moon, in the feet of Virgo corresponds with the Sun.

What is unique about this Revelation 12 depiction in 2017 has to do with the ‘Astrology of its Astronomy’. Astronomy is the study of the Sun, Moon and the Stars. Astrology is the interpretation of the Astronomy of the various celestial luminaries. If such a ‘Sign’ in Virgo as the Revelation 12 in 2017 is ‘stargazing’ or Satanic Astrology, then the Magi are guilty of sin and should not have used such methods of interpreting the Signs of the Bethlehem Star that led them to Jesus. Jacob should have been reprimanded when YHVH revealed to him the ‘Astrology’ of the ‘Astronomy’ pertaining to the 12 Stars bowing down to him with the Sun and the Moon. Such were meant to be a metaphor for his brothers, father and mother as the Bible itself interprets the Signs. Such is the case even with the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign.

Then there is the sin of the Apostle John for the LORD having shown him the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign in the first place. What is YHYH doing? Doesn’t He know that is Astrology?! Bible believers may acknowledge that the Bible and Jesus Himself attested to the need for His Disciples to be looking for the ‘Signs’, not to the ‘Signs’ as most in this Last Generation are doing. This is truer as each day passes and it gets closer to the Rapture event, which is the next major prophetic ‘Sign’ to take place before the 70th Week of Years starts as some interpret the book of Daniel. However, many are scoffing that in order for the Revelation 12 Virgo Sign of 2017 to be truly a Sign, shouldn’t such a ‘Sign’ be obvious and seen by the whole world?

The problem is that since the Sun will be in Virgo at the time, virtually none of Virgo’s stars will be visible, thus neither will the ‘Sign’. The Sign will be visible if for a moment in the northern hemisphere as Virgo sets during the evening twilight on the 23rd of September in 2017. Precisely consider though that such a ‘Sign’ that is not to be seen obviously to everyone would be tailed for such a technological generation of the Last Days. Such a generation would be able to ‘see it’ with the use of star model software and technology such as a smart phone and/or laptop to ascertain what could not be seen by the naked eye. Is the Virgo Sign a Parable? Could this assertion be part of the ‘Sign’ itself for the Last Generation and could the Virgo Sign also be functioning as did the parables of Jesus likewise now as a modern-day ‘celestial parable’.

Jesus stated that He intentionally ‘hid’ the meaning of His teaching and truth to an unbelieving generation so that only those that truly sought out not only the Words of Christ Jesus, but Jesus Himself would understand. Thus, this study suggests that in this Last Generation, the purpose and meaning of such Celestial Signs could be as a ‘parable’. As the book of Revelation states in 19:10, the aim of all prophecy [and ‘Signs’] is to lead one to Jesus. Perhaps such is the case with this Revelation 12 phenomenon.

Some will be led to Christ Jesus as a result and others will not. Many are ‘burned-out’ on supposed hype of ‘Signs’ in the Sun, Moon and Stars or have ‘Rapturitis’. These sorts of claims or estimations of the Rapture have been made many times before. Especially coming off the Tetrad Blood Moon occurrence in 2014-15. Most believe that ‘nothing happened nor will, but it is because people had and have had the wrong expectations and interpretations regarding YHVH’s Creation and ‘Signs’ It is the case like the Jewish religious leaders of Jesus’ day that could just not tell ‘prophetic time’ nor ‘read the Signs’ in the sky.

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